Tyler Center Grant Program

All requests for funding proposals will be completed online via Qualtrics. Institutions selected to apply will receive an invitation with the Qualtrics link. A PDF of the application can be viewed here.  

Organizational Eligibility

In order to carry out its mission, the Tyler Center plans to fund fellowships for international research for undergraduate students at private and public post-secondary education institutions recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as Public Charities. 

Program Focus

The Tyler Center believes that the issues and challenges facing society today are more global in nature than ever before and that the key to successfully meeting and preparing for these challenges hinges on building an awareness of and appreciation for global issues and global solutions. The Tyler Center operationalizes this mission by collaborating with institutional partners who select and support undergraduate research projects abroad. 

The students conducting research sponsored by Tyler Center funds will be recognized as “Tyler Fellows”, and will agree to Fellowship expectations including, but not limited to, research deliverables and dissemination, cohort networking, and continued engagement with the Tyler Center.

Institutions may select Tyler Fellows according to their own procedures and policies (e.g., an internal application process). However, the parameters that should guide the selection process are listed below. 

Fellowship Parameters & Selection Process

Tyler Center Fellowships should be open to students of all disciplines and fields of study, and ideally should be awarded to students who:

  • are enrolled in an undergraduate program
  • want to embody or expand their global perspective
  • demonstrate a high level of dedication to their field of study
  • perform significant research in their discipline which is furthered or enabled by this study abroad experience (e.g., by gaining access to primary sources and materials)
  • are US citizens, permanent residents, or US-based international students who are fully enrolled at the institution
  • have a demonstrable financial need

Individual fellowship recipients will be selected by the grantee organizations and institutions based on an objective and non-discriminatory basis while factoring in the above criteria. The Tyler Center does not currently accept at-large applications. 

Grant Size & Term

The Tyler Center grant will award $10,000-$20,000 to partner institutions. The Center expects the funds to be fully expended no later than eighteen months from the date grant funds are received (i.e. the Center expects that fellowship recipients at the awardee institutions complete their funded travel within eighteen months).

Proposal Submission

Grant applications should be completed by November 1, 2024.