How can I submit a funding proposal on behalf of my institution?

Institutions are selected to submit their online funding proposals via invitation. At this time, the Tyler Center does not accept unsolicited funding proposals. 

How do Tyler Fellows receive a research award?

Tyler Fellows are selected by their institutions--which are permitted to use any selection method they choose--and receive their research award prior to completing their research projects. 

How do institutions select Tyler Fellows?

Once institutions have been selected to receive the Tyler Center for Global Studies grant, they may initiate their internal process to solicit student research award applications. 

The application process should be determined and carried out by the institution. However, schools should factor in the following criteria when selecting candidates for Tyler funding:

  • Financial need
  • Academic standing
  • Commitment to advancing subject knowledge
  • Desire to expand global perspective
  • Enrollment status (full-time)

The Tyler Center emphasizes rigorous undergraduate research during a student's tenure as a Tyler Fellows. Partner institutions must ensure that their respective grant programs meet the outline criteria. 

When do Tyler Fellows conduct their research?

We expect the Tyler Fellow research experience to be independent and immersive, allowing for full-time commitment to data collection and analysis. Tyler Fellows may plan to conduct their research during any semester, but must ensure they are able to present information on their research at the Virtual Summit, which is held at the conclusion of their Fellowship experience in the fall. 

What happens before Tyler Fellows conduct their research?

Partner institutions provide their own programming to prepare Tyler Fellows for international travel and research. During the time between selection for funding and executing their research designs, Tyler Fellows must coordinate with their institution and/or research mentor(s) to gather appropriate information in anticipation for their departure (i.e., travel compliance procedures, IRB approval, etc.). Some pre-departure activities facilitated by the Tyler Center include:

  • Online orientation
  • Tyler Fellow Blog Series
  • Pre-program survey

What happens during the Tyler Fellow research experience?

Tyler Fellows are expected to engage with the Tyler Center prior to and during their independent study experience. Fellowship activities facilitated by the Tyler Center include

  • Tyler Fellow Blog Series
  • Research support groups
  • Check-ins with Tyler Center staff

What happens after Tyler Fellows conduct research?

Upon returning to the US, Tyler Fellows are invited to present their research experience and findings at the Virtual Summit in October. Tyler Fellows are also asked to complete a post-program survey at the conclusion of their fellowship, where they will submit their preliminary or final research products. 

Can Tyler Fellows participate in group research?

Yes, Tyler Fellow research is completely student-driven, as long as the research is supervised by an institutional faculty member(s). 

Can Tyler Fellows be research assistants?

We expect Tyler Fellows to plan and conduct their self-designed research with the supervision of at least one institutional faculty member. However, we recognize the resources and ability to support fully independent, rigorous undergraduate research varies by institution. As such, this question is answered on a case-by-case basis. Please email tylercenter@fsu.edu for more information.